Give Your Child A Lifetime Of Good Health



An engaging and interactive online nutrition course for the entire family that will help your child master daily nutrition habits that lead to long-term health!

Reserve your spot today! Stay tuned for the launch date.


When you reserve your spot, you will be the first to be notified of the launch date. You will also be added to Full Table Nutrition’s email list. You can unsubscribe at any time.



  • How to feel zippy every day
  • The best foods for brain power
  • What to look for on a nutrition label
  • The scoop on poop
  • How to create easy meal plans
  • A quick fix for poor digestion
  • How to keep friendly bacteria happy
  • And a whole lot more!

Your family’s mission—should you choose to accept it—is to create your personalized Super-Fuel Family Roadmap and master 6 or more health-promoting Super-Fuel Habits in just 6 weeks, so your entire family will enjoy preparing and eating food which supports long-term health.


Super Fuel for Super Kids is an interactive and kid-friendly online nutrition course for every adult and child in your household. Food is fuel for our bodies, and growing kids need “super fuel” in order to become healthy, happy adults. During this 6-week course, your entire family will discover how to maximize the benefits of every bite you eat. And your kids may discover that nutritious food actually tastes good!

Hosted on the gamified Xperiencify platform, Super Fuel for Super Kids has lots of fun surprises built in. It’s more than an ordinary online course, it’s a super-fueled experience! The hands-on activities, challenges, adventures, experiments, and games will wow your whole family and keep everyone engaged in learning. Not only that, your family team will be earning points as you progress through the course. You might even win a prize!

During this hands-on experience, your kids will learn 12 Super-Fuel Habits and create a personalized Super-Fuel Family Roadmap (yes, you’ll actually receive a real map). The Roadmap and Super-Fuel Habits will keep your family on track throughout the course. You might even decide you want to continue using the Roadmap long after the course is over.

Your family will arrive at “Mission Accomplished” knowing exactly what to do to stay healthy for life!

Save your spot today! More information coming soon, so stay tuned…

NOTE: The course is only open to residents of the United States and Canada.




Shari Gilford, NTP
(503) 451-0402

Full Table Nutrition
PO Box 33627
Portland, OR 97292


DISCLAIMER: The information presented on this website is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition ​or disease, nor is it medical advice. The resources created by Full Table Nutrition, including information on this website, have not been evaluated by the Food and ​Drug Administration and do not replace the advice of a physician. It is the responsibility of the individual to consult a qualified medical professional before ​engaging in any dietary and/or lifestyle changes.

© 2023 Full Table Nutrition