Over the years, I have come across many top-notch nutrition resources that I recommend because of their integrity and quality. If an expert has explained a piece of the health puzzle in a clear way, why rebuild the wheel? Here are some of my favorites.

Sugar: What Parents Need to Know
Dr. Robert Lustig

How Sugar Affects the Brain
Dr. Nicole Avena

Gluten: Effects on the Immune System
Dr. Tom O’Bryan

Vegetable Oils: The Most Dangerous Thing You Consume
David Gillespie (Australia)

Vegetable Oils: The Unknown Story
Nina Tiecholz

How Digestion Works
The Dr. Binocs Show for Kids


Shari Gilford, NTP
(503) 451-0402

Full Table Nutrition
PO Box 33627
Salem, OR 97292


DISCLAIMER: The information presented on this website is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition ​or disease, nor is it medical advice. The resources created by Full Table Nutrition, including information on this website, have not been evaluated by the Food and ​Drug Administration and do not replace the advice of a physician. It is the responsibility of the individual to consult a qualified medical professional before ​engaging in any dietary and/or lifestyle changes.

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